Sunday, January 17, 2010

Retail Therapy

What is it, about walking into an overrated store, and picking up an overpriced piece of tailored cloth that can make a lousy mood vanish, I'll never understand.

Maybe it's the excitement of looking a tad new, since appearance is probably the easiest of faults to fix.

Or maybe it's the joy of believing you've worked hard enough to deserve a reward.

Or maybe it's the excitement of rebelling: Knowing you haven't really worked hard enough. But you have a card. And you can shop. So you're going to. Even though you don't really deserve it. But who cares? Because you can. Right?

Or maybe it's just all the colour. And the smell of unused clothing. And the freedom of choice.

Ah shopping. I'd pick it any day over other vices.

Smoking... Well that's a waste of breath. And money up in smoke.

Alcohol... What goes in must come out. Wasteful ingestion. And I haven't really developed a taste for numbing my senses. Yet.

Chocolate... It's an option. And a fairly less pricey one at that. But as an option to shopping.... we'll let's just say in this case, I'd much rather shed pounds and shop than gorge on chocolate and add 'em.

People... Wish I liked them enough to believe they could cheer me up.

I could just take a walk out in the sun. But that joy isn't something I can put on and rejoice about while looking at the mirror. And it doesn't make anybody jealous. Where's the investment in that? ; )

So, when deep in thought, I shop. It helps me chill. I wish I could tell you why. But vices are vices because you know they aren't a cure, but temporary therapy that will just about suffice.

And today, I chanced upon an array of sales. Though usually I frown upon picking up discount stock that's a season too late, this whole growing up thing and wanting to budget my spending in proportion to my earning doesn't leave my with much. So, i discounted my pride. And dived in. I resurfaced with a bold green striped tee.

My name is Tara. And i am a shopaholic.

(P.S: Not really. Just a social shopper. But I wanted to end on a high)

1 comment:

  1. u cant hide the ur title goes we see what u see..!
