TA-DA! Got to walk on the Wilde side today at Westend :) I'm a little scared - My bucket list is getting an awful number of ticks an awful lot too soon!
As a dabbling writer, I've always admired Oscar Wilde and it was an immense honour and pleasure to lose my West End Theater virginity to this particular play, and in this particular way. (next on the list is some big fat musical. suggestions anyone?)
The set was very elegantly lit, and the actors, most charming. And it was awesome to see so many of the lines I've read and chuckled over before delivered so well. I've pulled out some of my favourites for you:
Then it was bucket list ticking time again - the victim? Korean Food. {Read cherry wine and RAW beef}
(Well basically the beef is raw until you mush it about and it cooks in the heat of the other ingredients. So don't squirm too much!)
We walked back to the car via the heart of touristy London. The junction of Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street, Regent Street, Savile Row...la dee da ;)
Here are some quick pics
And then, my favourite:
Savile Row presented one rather interesting sight: Look at line two of the pic. Spot something familiar?
On that note, I'll leave you with a few more Wilde quotes to mull over: "No man is rich enough to buy back his past", "The world was my oyster, but I used the wrong fork", "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
Night night!